29 leap year facts for February 29 This year, February, the shortest month of the year, will be one day […]

How to Convert 5-Digit Julian Dates to Regular Dates in Excel Eric Wilborn has been writing since 2000, covering topics […]

When is the next leap year? 2023 is not a leap year ((Alamy/PA)) Julian Calendar Non- Leap Year Calendar, Calendar […]

How to Convert 5-Digit Julian Dates to Regular Dates in Excel Eric Wilborn has been writing since 2000, covering topics […]

It’s over for Julian and Blind Date girl Julian Lloyd Webber has split up from his ‘Blind Date’ girlfriend. Today’s […]

Government calendar for Oct. 24. 10 a.m.: Greenfield Board of Works and Public Safety, City Hall council chambers, McClarnon Government […]