Page Layouts
Web page structure and layout options explained

Every page consists of three main parts, the header, the content layout, and the footer.
The Header

SCU’s global navigation, site search, audience gateways, and core navigation or site-specific navigation menus appear in this section. The header should be consistently presented on pages within a site. Header options vary based on the page layout you’re using. Review the Site Main and Site Specific sections for choices and options.
The Content Layout

This area is designed to be flexible and adaptable to a variety of content. The default layout offers a column spanning two-thirds of the page for main page content, with the remaining one-third used for the right column sidebar. There are few limitations in what content goes in which area of the content layout – you can easily switch the position of any content type from one area to another.
Another variation on the default layout is to add two 50% width columns to the main content area. And as needed, you can switch the page layout to Full Width, allowing the full page for content that would otherwise exceed the space allowed in a standard layout.

Review the Content Layout section for a diagram of the areas available for positioning content.
The Footer
The footer of the new site provides a stable visual anchor for the entire webpage. By default the footer will include contact information for the university and general information links, but you can customize that by adding a Footer Configuration section to your site.