Durango Events Calendar
4CORE, American Solar Energy Society will host solar and sustainable living tour and soiree on Oct. 7. (Durango Herald file)

Susan Montoya Bryan
The Four Corners Office for Resource Efficiency, American Solar Energy Society, installers and grassroots organizations will showcase solar-powered and net-zero homes, schools and businesses as part of the 28th annual National Solar Tour.
The event will take place Saturday. The tour will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., followed by a soiree from 6 to 9 p.m. Tour tickets cost $12, and tickets to attend both the tour and the soiree are $65.
The Beyond Solar Soiree will be held at the custom, owner-built solar home of Gary and Laura Lyndes near Turtle Lake. The dinner will partially be donated by Grassburger, while Ska Brewing will supply beer, and Wagon Wheel Liquors will provide wine. There will also be live classical music by Brian Wagner.
The showcase will demonstrate how to reduce monthly energy bills, reduce harmful carbon emissions, and earn rich tax credits and cash incentives. The self-guided Beyond Solar Tour affords participants the direct perspectives of homeowners and installers about the costs, processes, as well as economic and environmental benefits of going solar or building new homes to net zero sustainability standards.
Featured stops include a tour of the Solar Straw Bale of KSUT “Garden Guy,” Tom Bartels. He will discuss minimizing a carbon footprint while designing a home and how to consider efficiency in the design. Another stop is a solar home in the Animas Valley, whose owner is an expert on air source heat pump and a Rivian owner.
Mountain Middle School will also be visited during the tour as its carbon neutral campus generates nearly 100% of its power from solar energy. The school uses its solar power to provide the school’s electricity, power its HVAC system, charge its electric van and electric charging stations for staff vehicles.
For tickets and more information, call 4CORE at 259-1916 or visit fourcore.org.
Wednesday, Oct. 4
Daybreak Rotary Club of Durango, 7 a.m., La Plata County Fairgrounds, 2500 Main Ave.
La Plata Board of County Commissioners Discussion Time, 8:30 a.m., La Plata County Admin, 1101 East Second Ave.
Fair Housing Forum, 1:30-4 p.m., Durango Community Recreation Center, 2700 Main Ave. Registration: bit.ly/3Z7AhZR.
La Plata Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting, 4 p.m., La Plata County Admin, 1101 East Second Ave.
Ignacio Planning Commission Meeting, 5:30 p.m., Abel F. Atencio Community Room, 540 Goddard Ave., Ignacio.
Adam Swanson, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
C&S Trivia: Mythical Creatures, 6 p.m., Zia Cantina, 2977 Main Ave.
Joel Racheff, 6 p.m., Office Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave.
Mariachi Garibaldi de Jaime Cuéllar, 7:30 p.m., Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive. Tickets: $30-$50. Details: durangoconcerts.com.

Thursday, Oct. 5
La Plata Wildfire Advisory Board Regular Meeting, 4 p.m., La Plata County Admin, 1101 East Second Ave.
Adam Swanson, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
José Villarreal, 6 p.m., Office Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave.
“Eurydice,” 7:30 p.m., MainStage Theatre, Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive. Tickets $23. Details: durangoconcerts.com.
Friday-Saturday, Oct. 6-7
iAM MUSIC Fest, downtown Durango, Tickets and details: iammusicfest.us.

Friday, Oct. 6
First Friday Artist Demo, 5:30 p.m., The Smiley, 1309 East Third Ave. Details: facebook.com/theartroomcollective.
Adam Swanson, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Fort Lewis College Women’s Volleyball vs. Black Hills State, 6 p.m., Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive.
Dustin Burley, 6 p.m., Office Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave.
Nicolò Spera on 10-string guitar, 7 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Durango, 419 San Juan Drive. Tickets $20 adults, $8 students and children.
“Eurydice,” 7:30 p.m., MainStage Theatre, Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive. Tickets $23. Details: durangoconcerts.com.
Saturday, Oct. 7
Homebuyer Education Class, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive. $15. Details: homesfund.org.
Apple Days Festival, 9 a.m.-noon, TBK Bank, 259 W. Ninth St. Details: goodfoodcolletive.org.
Beyond Solar Tour & Soiree, 10 a.m., 1309 East Third Ave. Tickets $65/$12. Details: fourcore.org.
Drive Safe, Be safe: Being a safe driver in Durango, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 182 Sheppard Drive. Details: [email protected].
Fort Lewis College Women’s Volleyball vs. South Dakota Mines, 1 p.m., Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive.
Adam Swanson, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Ben Gibson, 6 p.m., Office Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave.
Durango Elks “Speakeasy” Charity Ball, 6:30 p.m., Durango Elks Lodge, 901 East Second Ave. Tickets $30 advance, $35 day of event. Details: facebook.com/DurangoElks.
“Eurydice,” 7:30 p.m., MainStage Theatre, Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive. Tickets $23. Details: durangoconcerts.com.

Sunday, Oct. 8
Blue Moon Ramblers, 6 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Terry Rickard, 6 p.m., Office Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave.
Monday, Oct, 9
Adam Swanson, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Leah Orlikowski, 6 p.m., Office Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave.
Tuesday, Oct. 10
Adam Swanson, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Sean O’Brien, 6 p.m., Office Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave.
Wednesday, Oct. 11
Daybreak Rotary Club of Durango, 7 a.m., La Plata County Fairgrounds, 2500 Main Ave.
Green Business Roundtable, noon, Powerhouse Science Center, 1295 Camino Del Rio. Tickets $20. Details: sanjuancitizens.org.
Shanta Foundation’s Fall Fundraiser, 5:30-7:30 p.m., RiverBend Ranch, 27846 U.S. Highway 550. Tickets $60. Details: shantafoundation.org.
Adam Swanson, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Terry Rickard, 6 p.m., Office Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave.
“The Life Story of Archaeologist Marjorie F. Lambert” presented by Shelby Tisdale, 7 p.m., Center of Southwest Studies Lyceum, Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive. Details: sjbas.org.
Thursday, Oct. 12
FLC Women’s Soccer vs. Colorado Mesa University, 4:30 p.m., Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive.
Adam Swanson, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
José Villarreal, 6 p.m., Office Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave.
FLC Men’s Soccer vs. UCCS, 7 p.m., Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive.
The Dean’s List Presents: Real World, 8 p.m., Animas City Theatre, 128 E. College Drive. Tickets $15. Details: animascitytheatre.com. 18 and older.
Friday, Oct. 13
Adam Swanson, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Dustin Burley, 6 p.m., Office Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave.
The Expendables with Claire Wright, doors 7 p.m., show 8 p.m., Animas City Theatre 128 E. College Drive. Tickets $29.50. Details: animascitytheatre.com.
Saturday, Oct. 14
FLC Homecoming Football Tailgate, 10 a.m., Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive. Details: alumni.fortlewis.edu.
FLC Football vs. Colorado Mesa University, noon, Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive.
Death Comes to Durango, 1 p.m., Animas Museum, 3065 West Second Ave. Details and Zoom registration: animasmuseum.org.
FLC Women’s Volleyball vs. New Mexico Highlands, 5 p.m., Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive.
Adam Swanson, 5:30 p.m., Diamond Belle Saloon, 699 Main Ave.
Matt Rupnow, 6 p.m., Office Spiritorium, 699 Main Ave.
DeVotchKa, 7:30 p.m., Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Drive. Tickets $28-50. Details: durangoconcerts.com.