Summer Meal Plan How It Works
The summer meal plans include meal swipes that may be used in residential dining and Dining Dollars that can be used in Chick-fil-A in Tribe Square, The Bake Shop and Dominos. The Summer 50 plan is limited to one session, the Summer 100 plan can roll from Session I to Session II, or can be used for either session.

Summer 2023 Meal Plan Dates
Summer 50: May 30 – June 30 OR July 1 – August 4Summer 100: May 30 – August 4

Summer Meal Plan Options Plan Meals per block Dining Dollars per block Price per block Summer 50 50 $50 $527 Summer 100 100 $100 $1054
Summer 100 will roll from Session I to Session II. Any unused meals from Summer 50 will not roll between session

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Meal Plan Refunds and Charges

A $25 administrative charge will be applied for requests made after classes begin. Refunds and charges are based on a daily rate calculated on the meal plan price and the day that a request is received by [[dining]].