Got Unused, Unwanted or Expired Medications? National Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, Oct. 28
The National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023, where you can safely get rid of unused, unwanted or expired medications.

Most collection locations will accept any unwanted medication from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday.
To find a collection site near you, visit, there you can enter your location and find a collection site near you.

Medications can be brought in pill containers or loose in ziplock bags.
The FDA recommends the prompt disposal of unwanted drugs to help reduce the chance that others accidentally take or misuse the medicine, and to help reduce drugs from entering the environment.

If you are unable to drop off unwanted medications on Saturday, there are dozens of pharmacies that will accept and dispose of controlled substances year-round. Go to the Department of Justice’s Controlled Substance Public Disposal Location website to search for a location near you.