Outdoors calendar for the week starting Oct. 8
The Outdoors Calendar publishes submitted information on hunting, fishing, hiking and other outdoors events. Email details to [email protected]; send to LNP, Attn: Sports, P.O. Box 1328, Lancaster, PA 17608-1328; or call 717-291-8666.

• Mount Joy Sportsman Association: The group is hosting the 2023-24 season of the William Penn Pistol League, which runs on Wednesday nights through March 27, 2024. Matches cost $5 per evening and are shot with 60 rounds at a 50-foot distance with .22 caliber firearms. This year’s competition nights will start at approximately 6 p.m. and go until 9 p.m. (or earlier if all competitors have completed the course of fire). Safety is paramount and is enforced in the use of firearms, which makes the shooting discipline one of, if not the most, safest of sports. Any and all sports club members interested in pistol competition and not having an organized pistol team are encouraged to visit the Mount Joy Sportsman Association, located at 85 Sportsman Road, Mount Joy, to learn more about this competitive discipline. For information, go online at wppl.us or www.mountjoysportsmen.com

• Manheim Sportsmen’s Association: The club will sell cheesesteaks and cold drinks at its stand in the food court at the Manheim Farm Show from 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. Oct. 9-13. The Manheim Farm Show is at 502 E Adele Ave, Manheim. The For more info call either 717-587-6957, 717-951-6103 or 717-689-0075.

• Governor Dick Environmental Center: A pumpkin painting craft for kids and adults will be held at the Environmental Center, 3283 Pinch Road, Mount Gretna, beginning at 1:30 p.m. Call 717-964-3808 or email [email protected] for more information and to register for the event, which is $5 per participant.

• Hikes for public, led by Lancaster Hiking Club: At 1 p.m. (departure at about 1:15 p.m.), meet at Buchanan Park, on the corner of Race and Buchanan avenues, Lancaster, for a hike at Wolf’s Hollow County Park. For information, go online at lancasterhikingclub.com.
• Columbia Fish and Game: The club, at 4339 Fairview Road, Columbia, will hold weekly public trap shoots from 6-8 p.m. each Wednesday. The range consists of three well-illuminated trap fields. All fields are equipped with “Pat Trap” automatic traps and wireless voice calls. For information, visit the club’s website at columbiafishandgame.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Manheim Sportsmen’s Association: Public trap shooting practice will be held each Wednesday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on the club grounds at 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim. For information call 717-917-3174.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Manheim Sportsmen’s Association: The club will hold its monthly membership meeting starting at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse, 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim. For information call either 717-665-7729 or 717-587-6957.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Governor Dick Environmental Center: Bring a warm drink and enjoy a fall foliage hike beginning at 11 a.m. Meet at at the Environmental Center, 3283 Pinch Road, Mount Gretna. Call 717-964-3808 or email [email protected] for more information and to register for this free event.
• Manheim Sportsmen’s Association: Public trap shooting practice will be held each Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon on the club grounds at 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim. For information call 717-917-3174.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. the second Saturday of the month. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Sierra Club-Lancaster Group: Enjoy an easy/moderate, scenic hike beginning at 9 a.m. through the Reading area’s Nolde Forest. The 725-acre Nolde Forest and its Environmental Education Center (3025 New Holland Road, Reading) features deciduous woodlands and coniferous plantations, which are laced with networks of trails that meander along streams and ponds and through diverse habitats. To join the hike, register on the front page of the website, www.lancastersierraclub.org. For more details, call 717-575-8705 or 717-475-0586 or email [email protected].
• Governor Dick Fitness Hike: Meet at the Environmental Center, 3283 Pinch Road, Mount Gretna, at 10 a.m. for faster-paced, 4- to 6-mile outing. The event is free. For information, call 717-964-3808 or email [email protected].
• Hikes for public, led by Lancaster Hiking Club: At 1 p.m. (departure at about 1:15 p.m.), meet at Buchanan Park, on the corner of Race and Buchanan avenues, Lancaster, for a hike at Horseshoe Trail and Cannon Hill. For information, go online at lancasterhikingclub.com.
• Lancaster County Bird Club: Derek Stoner will lead a watch beginning at 7 a.m. at State Game Lands 220 (Reinholds) in search of late migrants and early winter arrivals. Some of the target birds include lingering warblers, white-crowned sparrow, purple finch, chipping sparrow, fox sparrow, blue-headed and Philadelphia Vvreos. Contact Derek Stoner at 484-723-3348 or [email protected] to register by 6 p.m., Oct. 14.
• Columbia Fish and Game: The club, at 4339 Fairview Road, Columbia, will hold its monthly membership meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m. For information, visit the club’s website at columbiafishandgame.org.
• Columbia Fish and Game: The club, at 4339 Fairview Road, Columbia, will hold weekly public trap shoots from 6-8 p.m. each Wednesday. The range consists of three well-illuminated trap fields. All fields are equipped with “Pat Trap” automatic traps and wireless voice calls. For information, visit the club’s website at columbiafishandgame.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Manheim Sportsmen’s Association: Public trap shooting practice will be held each Wednesday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on the club grounds at 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim. For information call 717-917-3174.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Manheim Sportsmen’s Association: The Manheim Sportsmen’s monthly membership meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at their clubhouse, 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim. For information call 717-917-3174 or online at manheimsportsmansassoc.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Manheim Sportsmen’s Association: Public trap shooting practice will be held each Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon on the club grounds at 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim. For information call 717-917-3174.
• Governor Dick Environmental Center: Take a hike led by Karen Beall and learn all about mushrooms. Meet at the Environmental Center, 3283 Pinch Road, Mount Gretna, at 10 a.m. The event is free. For information and to register, call 717-964-3808 or email [email protected].
• Hikes for public, led by Lancaster Hiking Club: At 1 p.m. (departure at about 1:15 p.m.), meet at Buchanan Park, on the corner of Race and Buchanan avenues, Lancaster, for an impromptu hike with a location to be determined. For information, go online at lancasterhikingclub.com.
• Governor Dick Golden Eagle hike: Enjoy a shorter, slower-paced hike for those over 50. Meet at 1:30 p.m. at the Environmental Center, 3283 Pinch Road, Mount Gretna. The event is free. Call 717-964-3808 or email [email protected] for more information and to register.
• Columbia Fish and Game: The club, at 4339 Fairview Road, Columbia, will hold weekly public trap shoots from 6-8 p.m. each Wednesday. The range consists of three well-illuminated trap fields. All fields are equipped with “Pat Trap” automatic traps and wireless voice calls. For information, visit the club’s website at columbiafishandgame.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Manheim Sportsmen’s Association: Public trap shooting practice will be held each Wednesday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on the club grounds at 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim. For information call 717-917-3174.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Manheim Sportsmen’s Association: Public trap shooting practice will be held each Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon on the club grounds at 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim. For information call 717-917-3174.
• Hikes for public, led by Lancaster Hiking Club: At 1 p.m. (departure at about 1:15 p.m.), meet at Buchanan Park, on the corner of Race and Buchanan avenues, Lancaster, for a hike at Nixon County Park and Lake Williams. For information, go online at lancasterhikingclub.com.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, holds its regular membership meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, beginning promptly at 7:30 p.m. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Columbia Fish and Game: The club, at 4339 Fairview Road, Columbia, will hold weekly public trap shoots from 6-8 p.m. each Wednesday. The range consists of three well-illuminated trap fields. All fields are equipped with “Pat Trap” automatic traps and wireless voice calls. For information, visit the club’s website at columbiafishandgame.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Hikes for public, led by Lancaster Hiking Club: At 1 p.m. (departure at about 1:15 p.m.), meet at Buchanan Park, on the corner of Race and Buchanan avenues, Lancaster, for an impromptu hike with a location to be determined. For information, go online at lancasterhikingclub.com.
• Columbia Fish and Game: The club, at 4339 Fairview Road, Columbia, will hold weekly public trap shoots from 6-8 p.m. each Wednesday. The range consists of three well-illuminated trap fields. All fields are equipped with “Pat Trap” automatic traps and wireless voice calls. For information, visit the club’s website at columbiafishandgame.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Manheim Sportsmen’s Association: The club will hold its monthly membership meeting starting at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse, 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim. For information call either 717-665-7729 or 717-587-6957.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. the second Saturday of the month. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Hikes for public, led by Lancaster Hiking Club: At 1 p.m. (departure at about 1:15 p.m.), meet at Buchanan Park, on the corner of Race and Buchanan avenues, Lancaster, for a hike at Granite Run and Overlook Park. For information, go online at lancasterhikingclub.com.
• Columbia Fish and Game: The club, at 4339 Fairview Road, Columbia, will hold weekly public trap shoots from 6-8 p.m. each Wednesday. The range consists of three well-illuminated trap fields. All fields are equipped with “Pat Trap” automatic traps and wireless voice calls. For information, visit the club’s website at columbiafishandgame.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Hikes for public, led by Lancaster Hiking Club: At 1 p.m. (departure at about 1:15 p.m.), meet at Buchanan Park, on the corner of Race and Buchanan avenues, Lancaster, for a hike at Governor Dick Park. For information, go online at lancasterhikingclub.com.
• Columbia Fish and Game: The club, at 4339 Fairview Road, Columbia, will hold its monthly membership meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m. For information, visit the club’s website at columbiafishandgame.org.
• Columbia Fish and Game: The club, at 4339 Fairview Road, Columbia, will hold weekly public trap shoots from 6-8 p.m. each Wednesday. The range consists of three well-illuminated trap fields. All fields are equipped with “Pat Trap” automatic traps and wireless voice calls. For information, visit the club’s website at columbiafishandgame.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Hikes for public, led by Lancaster Hiking Club: At 1 p.m. (departure at about 1:15 p.m.), meet at Buchanan Park, on the corner of Race and Buchanan avenues, Lancaster, for a hike at Nottingham County Park. For information, go online at lancasterhikingclub.com.
• Columbia Fish and Game: The club, at 4339 Fairview Road, Columbia, will hold weekly public trap shoots from 6-8 p.m. each Wednesday. The range consists of three well-illuminated trap fields. All fields are equipped with “Pat Trap” automatic traps and wireless voice calls. For information, visit the club’s website at columbiafishandgame.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Hikes for public, led by Lancaster Hiking Club: At 1 p.m. (departure at about 1:15 p.m.), meet at Buchanan Park, on the corner of Race and Buchanan avenues, Lancaster, for an impromptu hike with a location to be determined. For information, go online at lancasterhikingclub.com.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, holds its regular membership meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, beginning promptly at 7:30 p.m. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. the second Saturday of the month. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Hikes for public, led by Lancaster Hiking Club: At 1 p.m. (departure at about 1:15 p.m.), meet at Buchanan Park, on the corner of Race and Buchanan avenues, Lancaster, for a hike at Muddy Run Park. For information, go online at lancasterhikingclub.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Manheim Sportsmen’s Association: The club will hold its monthly membership meeting starting at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse, 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim. For information call either 717-665-7729 or 717-587-6957.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Hikes for public, led by Lancaster Hiking Club: At 1 p.m. (departure at about 1:15 p.m.), meet at Buchanan Park, on the corner of Race and Buchanan avenues, Lancaster, for a hike at Noel Dorwart Park and Long’s Park. For information, go online at lancasterhikingclub.com.
• Columbia Fish and Game: The club, at 4339 Fairview Road, Columbia, will hold its monthly membership meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m. For information, visit the club’s website at columbiafishandgame.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Hikes for public, led by Lancaster Hiking Club: At 1 p.m. (departure at about 1:15 p.m.), meet at Buchanan Park, on the corner of Race and Buchanan avenues, Lancaster, for a hike at Lancaster County Central Park. For information, go online at lancasterhikingclub.com.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, holds its regular membership meeting on the first Wednesday of each month, beginning promptly at 7:30 p.m. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Manheim Sportsmen’s Association: The club will hold its monthly membership meeting starting at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse, 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim. For information call either 717-665-7729 or 717-587-6957.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Paradise Sportsman’s Association: The club, located at 36 Sportsman Drive (off Belmont Road), Paradise, has trap shoots open to the public from 5-8 p.m. each Thursday. For information and updates, go online at paradisesportsmansassn.com.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 5 to 7 p.m. each Thursday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Saturday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.
• Conewago Rod & Gun Club: The club, at 1483 Turnpike Road, Elizabethtown, will hold a weekly public trap shoot from 9 a.m. to noon each Wednesday. For more information, visit the club’s website at conewagogunclub.org.